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#735, July 21 - July 27:
The Weekly Extreme Str8ts Puzzle

by Andrew Stuart

WARNING: This is the Weekly 'Extreme' Str8ts.
Only attempt this puzzle if you have time and patience.
Using the solver will not help you. (much).

Since there has been interesting strategy discussion on these puzzles and by popular request, I have opened an archive on the last thirty weeks. The discussion section is open for continued posting.
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Please email me if you experience problems or bugs. Cheers, Andrew Stuart

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by: Ursula

Anyone who solved the weekly extreme (not the BX )?


by: proteus

I needed two settis (3/4), but no fish or chains. Watch out for the hidden singles!


by: Ben

Ursula, The trick is to work out the hi/lo in the bottom left corner (J1,H1,H2).That should need lust a simple SI. After that the puzzle solves with standard tools.


by: Ben

Yes, my mistake. Careful use of standard tools is sufficient. No SI or chains needed.


by: Ursula

I worked it out easily.
But I always end up in contradictions later.


by: hoke

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Like others already mentioned: Use the online solver. When it stops, A1 cannot be 12, because 4 must be in column 1. When it stops again, 3 must be in A2, because it is not missing in any row. Then it solves.

by: Ursula

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Too difficult for me. Tried many times :(

by: optimator

solver: Andy is working on it. Right click and "reload frame" in the pink box.


by: optimator

Andy says it's fixed :)


by: Fred

I say, it's not fixed:[


by: Hank Williams

here too - still not workin


by: optimator

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now it shows v1.12.2 and works. Thanks Andrew!

by: Jan

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The solver regularly stops in the Wait state and the background of the Result window changes to pink...trying again often helps. Anybody else seeing this since the last update?

All this puzzle needs are the two settis in one corner.

by: BP

Beautiful. A little combined setti consideration solved A79 and the puzzle.


by: BP

Sorry, comment was meant for kst's X-puzzle.


by: Lucy

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Sorry, but what is A79 ? A 9 is a black cell !

by: kst



by: pax

Very nice set, medium difficulty. Thank you kst.


by: kris

Nice – once again the key is hidden in box 3


by: kmr

Like kris, box 3 is essential. Thanks, kst, for a very nice puzzle.


by: optimator

not too hard, thanks kst again.


by: BP

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Very nice, standard tools. Thanks!

by: kst



by: AndreasM

Just the right level of difficulty. Solvable, but by no means too easy.


by: optimator

not too hard


by: BP

Very nice, standard tools. Thanks!


by: kmr

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Yes, standard tools, but quite challenging for me. Needed VCE. Great fun, thanks, kst.

by: kst



by: jgrab

Very nice; thanks. Some 30 min. A HC solves B2-D4.


by: BP

Beautiful. A little combined setti consideration solved A79 and the puzzle.


by: optimator

tough: I needed all my tools


by: Jan

Can't understand your comments about "combined setti" or head chain with regard to the \ diagonal. I do see that a candidate in D9 can be eliminated by, yes, a combined setti. But then what?!

Also, the right choice for A9 solves indeed fairly easily, but disproving the other alternative seems hard.

But perhaps I missed sonething simple such as an early wing or elimination....?


by: BP

@Jan: At one point I had A79=45. Combined setti on 2,8 implies: 2 missing in col 7 or 8 missing in col 9. Both choices immediately lead to A7=5,A9=4.


by: Jan

@BP: I can only follow you two-thirds of the way 8-). The third possible choice, IMO, is no 2 in col 9. That leads to A9=5, which is incorrect. How did you exclude this case?


by: kmr

Very nice puzzle. Thank you, kst.


by: BP

@Jan: At that point I already had 2 in col 9. I don't remember my whole solution path but here are the (non trivial) steps I've written down, I think you might've missed the first one:

B78,C7: all three cells must contain different digits, therefore 4 in B78.

skewed wing on 4: A79+B78. (This implies D6<>4.)

combined setti 2,8 implies: 2 missing in col 7 or 8 missing in col 9. Both choices immediately lead to A7=5,A9=4.

skewed fish on 7: H2G3F4 + 79FGH

skewed wing on 9: H2F4 + 7FH

Hope that helps.


by: Jan

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Thanks, BP, the relevant step for me was to realize that 45 can be removed from C7, which then reduces B9 to 23. With that, your combined setti indeed applies. The other steps you mention are nice but not required; consistent application of setti on 2, 3, 6 and 8 clears enough to solve fairly quickly.

by: kst



by: AndreasM

Again, a very good puzzle. Not too difficult, but nevertheless fun! Thank you!


by: jgrab

Vrry nice, though demanding. Needed to see the large gap in the bottom row.


by: E.H.

For me a very hard one, but at least I did it.


by: BP

I think I'm missing something here: I've used two SIs, an UR and one wing, but still have only 7 solved cells: B1,D4,F5,G5,J156. Cannot yet see a large gap in J. Any chainfree hints?


by: jgrab

If I remember it right: At a certain point, I had J2=23, J4=238, and J5=235. So, J5 must be 5 otherwise no space in J1-6 for 2-8.


by: BP

@jgrab: Thank you, I have J5. But how did you find J2=23? I haven't decided high/low in col 2 or H yet.


by: Jan

@BP: For HJ2 high, consider the consequences on B9 via the two possible paths from H2.


by: BP

@Jan: Nice idea, so it seems there is no standard way to decide high/low.


by: kmr

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And finally thank you, kst, for this very nice and chain free puzzle.

Page created on 27-June-2010.
This page was last modified on 08-Jan-2023.
All puzzles on this site are trademarked and cannot be reproduced without permission.
Copyright Syndicated Puzzles Inc, 2010-2023
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  • no 2 in row 1 no 9 in row 5 or if you want it easy, G9 is 6
    - dersoloist
  • days and days and multiple chains
    - essie
  • Finally solved: Standard tools including bottom left corner, then the two settis by proteus. Rest was standard again.
    - Fred
  • Finally solved! But a hard nut.
    - Ute
  • 22' - finally one that solved without any trouble. Settis and singles.
    - selecti
  • Too hard for me. Tried many times No hints?
    - Ursula
  • no hints needed
    - Loser
  • No hints this week? Then just do not.
    - Fred
  • 50' on 3rd try. Settis, singles.
    - A B Traherne
  • 35'
    - Maven
  • 2 Versuche, low in H1 führt zu Widerspruch. Mit Settis, x-Wings dann gelöst. 2 Stunden. Nicht einfach für mich.
    - S. Walt
  • 36:42 - nice Sunday night destress...
    - Latimer
  • Not too difficult, BCA (settis) did it.
    - UZ
  • 36 min - CE, 1 Setti und einmal richtig geraten
    - Rot
  • puuuh, needed hours
    - dersoloist
  • 19'
    - humpti dumpti
  • 23 min - very nice and str8forward, mostly settis
    - Susan
  • about 20 minutes whlie listening to Delving DUNAJAM 2023, nice and refreshing puzzle
    - fred
  • 44min
    - Silke
  • 49' - solver was broken, so my chains needed a bit more time
    - COM
  • 20'
    - optimator
  • 45 min
    - ToniF
  • About 44 minutes with some interruptions, several settis
    - Jan
  • CE, one UR, two settis
    - MrL
  • 17 min Settis,m one UR, early CE on col 1
    - jgrab
  • 44 min. - settis, wings, nice :)
    - Nessie
  • 47 min with right guess on J89
    - juehe
  • 9 min.
    - Nessi
  • 25 min - really, really nice one
    - Susi
  • 31‘ just in time before my post covid symptoms kick in
    - PostCovidImpairedOne
  • 22 mins, quite fun
    - Miss P
  • 25 min, wings, settis, UR
    - Torsten&Irina
  • Nice with BCA - but the new version of solver strikes sometime.
    - Jens
  • 18:21, mnach 3. Anlauf, mittelschwer
    - zoo-pony
  • 1 h with SI.
    - E.H.
  • 38' Settis and not too difficult.
    - Manfred