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#763, February 2 - February 8:
The Weekly Extreme Str8ts Puzzle

by Andrew Stuart

WARNING: This is the Weekly 'Extreme' Str8ts.
Only attempt this puzzle if you have time and patience.
Using the solver will not help you. (much).

Oct 18th 2024
The solver can now handle Str8ts variants. Yay! The solver button on the player will now pass an appropriate parameter.
Since there has been interesting strategy discussion on these puzzles and by popular request, I have opened an archive on the last thirty weeks. The discussion section is open for continued posting.
All Access Supporters can load all puzzles from number 1.
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Please email me if you experience problems or bugs. Cheers, Andrew Stuart

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by: hepa


by: hepa

 This time it worked, forget the other entry.

by: AndreasM

 Hmm, I tried it and somehow made it, even cleanly. A rather strenuous proposition. I don't know, what to make of this experience and whether I will tackle future puzzles of this kind. But try it yourself.

by: hepa

 A few hints:
- To make the puzzle chain free remove 2 from H3 and J3 (cell forcing
chains did that in my solver)

Solution methods unique for Jigsaw puzzles
- skewed pointing pairs, triples, ...
- candidates in 1 box can remove the candidate at the crossing of
lines in another box (pointing type)
- candidates in 1 line and 2 boxes can remove the candidate in one
of the boxes (claiming type)
- skewed naked pairs, triples
- in 1 line and 2 boxes can remove the candidates in cells that one
of the boxes and a crossing line can see
- in 1 box can remove the candidates at the crossing of lines in
another box (1)
- double pointing pairs, double box/line reduction:
but note also larger combinations are possible depending on the
shape of the boxes.
In this puzzle my solver showed a claiming triple in columns 7,8,9
for candidate 4.

by: Maven

Took me 1.5 hr, but I finally solved it. Thanks for the extra challenge!
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by: triemers

<72' (with lots of distractions) Nice difficulty. Thanks
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by: Benjamin

How does the UR in col. 5&7 work? I need help.

by: hago

 @Benjamin: Try what happens to 5BC and 7BC if 5FGHJ contains a 6

by: hoke

But you need to find the big gap in E6 with CE first.
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by: acs

 The Weekly Str8ts puzzle #763

by: hp

 very nice and tricky
shortest path i found:
xwing 8 BC57, VCE Col 5, Gap in E6, UR BC57, Setti 4, xwing 6 and xwing 9 towards the end

by: hp

sorry correction meant: VCE Col6
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by: acs

 The Weekly Str8ts X puzzle #155

by: Martinus

 One setti and normal x power make it collapse fast.

by: optimator

 I couldn't quite find the path. I made a choice on E5 that solved it.

by: Hel

 Very nice, no chain or guess needed (E5 can be solved by CE in \)

by: jgrab

 13 min; x-power alone helps almost through the end, then one Setti needed, like Martinus says.

by: kris

 even Setti is not needed, only CE and x-power, easiest x-puzzle since months

by: optimator

 I tried again and found the CE in the upper left corner to determine E5. Thanks, Hel.

by: ThomasF

like jgrab
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by: acs

 The Weekly Str8ts B puzzle #155

by: AndreasM

 For a change, a B-puzzle which is fairly easy to solve.

by: Martinus

 Some URs were the key. Thanks!

by: Cosmanita

 Very nice puzzle, I started in box 3 and only used standard tools.

by: Susan

 Nice one, thank you

by: tg

 Thank you, chainfree fun.

by: optimator

 a quick one

by: kmr

Standard tools, great puzzle. But for me not that easy.
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by: acs

 The Weekly Str8ts BX puzzle #155

by: witch

 very nice one - at the end I needed a chain

by: Ollie

 Pure logic ans standard tools, just right for me!

by: Susan

 Needed a chain as well, but very enjoyable

by: tg

 At the end I needed a short chain. - Thank you!

by: optimator

 I also needed a chain at the very end

by: ThomasF

Also needed a short chain at the end
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Page created on 27-June-2010.
All puzzles not marked 'guest compiler' on this site are trademarked and cannot be reproduced without permission.
Copyright Jeff Widderich and Andrew Stuart @ Syndicated Puzzles, Privacy, 2007-2024
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  • 30 min, very nice one. hp is giving good ideas if you want to prevent chains and guessing.
    - Cosmanita
  • Gap E6 is 4 or 8 and finally E6=4.
    - MrL
  • Please, what is E6?
    - barbara
  • 75 min, no chain, no guess needed
    - o
  • 1h, several chains needed
    - A B Traherne
  • 1.5 h
    - Julioflor
  • with h/l-guess
    - chris I
  • 42 min, 3. Versuch
    - Rot
  • 46' whith several guessings
    - Ske
  • 1:32:22 sehr schwer "right decision" == Versuch!
    - zoo-pony
  • 20 min after right decision in D5 / A7
    - EC
  • 90min, in col8 die Ziffer 1 glücklich geraten, settis kaum brauchbar. Danke, schönes Rätsel.
    - S. Walt
  • 50', head chains, fishes
    - pax
  • 50', head chains, fishes
    - pax
  • around an hour. Gradually teased apart without guesses
    - puzzled
  • Very interesting str8t, which is solvable with Wings. Needed one UR.
    - Jens
  • 45 relaxing minutes, thank you :)
    - Silke
  • 41' with one bad guess
    - Richard
  • F8 glücklich entschieden
    - b*k*
  • 48 min
    - humpti dumpti
  • 36min
    - Essie
  • THX for the set
    - Loser
  • 28' very careful elimination
    - Maven
  • 57'
    - chris
  • 38 min. very difficult for me, wings and fishes
    - juehe
  • 44 min, genau der richtige schwierigkeitsgrad für mich
    - dersoloist
  • 38 min; a bit too long for the obvious possibilities (if you see them).
    - jgrab
  • 37' - second try - only with the hint on checking the options for 6
    - COM
  • 14' wing, swordfish, UR, wing
    - optimator
  • 96 min, thanks to Torsten&Irina
    - epibrator
  • <72' (with lots of distractions) Nice difficulty. Thanks
    - triemers
  • 2 h with HI/LO in col. 6 and BCA. For me not that easy.
    - E.H.
  • CA of col6, gap, UR and X-w's, not so easy.
    - MrL
  • 20 min. with a high/low decision in col. 6
    - flowerwaffle
  • 68 min Thanks for this
    - Marit
  • 8 min with a guess
    - Nessi
  • 30 min, mit UR in col 5&7
    - Torsten&Irina
  • 10' with some automated help. A bit of everything: Some se animals, settis CE, and UR at the end. Nice one :-)
    - MartinL
  • One UR is sufficient
    - JF
  • 25 min - logical beginning, then decision if 1 in column 8 is in row G or H. Then logical ending. GREAT!
    - Susi
  • 1h13' Took me two guesses. Bad!
    - Manfred
  • Fun is back.
    - Aubinger